US Military Claims Combat Against Ansar Allah’s Complex Attack In Red Sea

Wednesday 10 January 2024 - 13:56

The US terrorist army in West Africa named CENTCOM has claimed that they could combat Yemeni Ansar Allah movement’s drone and missile attacks in the Red Sea.

According to the CENTCOM, the Ansar Allah movement attacked heavily and intricately with the use of several suicide drones and 18 cruise and anti-ship missiles on US and British ships in the southern Red Sea on Tuesday night, January 9.

Based on statistics announced by the US Army, this is the 26th attack of its kind by Yemeni armed forces on shipping lines in the Red Sea.

In this regard, the United States has presented a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council condemning Yemen’s attacks on Israeli shipping and the Israel-bound vessels. The resolution calls on the Ansar Allah movement to stop its attacks against what the United States calls obstruction of global trade and international shipping as soon as possible. The draft resolution also emphasizes the prevention of further tensions in the Red Sea.

Yemeni officials had previously announced that the naval operations of the Yemeni armed forces in the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea are to support the people and resistance groups of Palestine, and as long as the war against the Israeli regime continues, they will attack the interests of the Israeli regime and the Israel-bound vessels.

The escalation of tensions between the Yemeni armed forces and the US-led coalition (Operation Prosperity Guardian) occurred after US helicopters attacked Yemeni navy boats in an operation to prevent the movement of the Maersk Hangzhou ship, killing 10 Yemeni soldiers. Yemeni government officials and the Ansar Allah movement have emphasized responding to this criminal attack.

An hour ago, the Yemeni Armed Forces issued a statement and took responsibility for the attacks. In the statement of Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces, it is stated:

“The naval, missile and drone forces of the Yemeni armed forces conducted a joint military operation with a large number of ballistic missiles, naval missiles and suicide drones against an American ship that supported the interests of the Zionist regime. This operation was carried out in response to the attack of American enemy forces on our navy. The Yemeni armed forces emphasize that they will not hesitate to properly deal with all hostile threats within the framework of the legitimate defense of the country and the people of Yemen. The Yemeni armed forces will continue to prevent the passage of Israeli ships and ships bound for occupied Palestinian ports in the Arab and Red Sea until the end of the aggression and the lifting of the blockade of our brothers in the Gaza Strip. The Yemeni Armed Forces declares its full protection of the continued traffic of foreign ships in the Red and Arabian seas to all destinations, except the occupied Palestinian ports.”

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