Yemeni Army Attacks USS Gravely In The Red Sea

Wednesday 31 January 2024 - 10:09

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces, announced the missile attack of the Yemeni Navy on the American destroyer USS Gravely in the Red Sea.

Brigadier General Saree declared all the American and British warships stationed in the Red and Arab seas that are participating in the aggression against Yemen as the “target bank” of the Yemeni Armed Forces and said: “Our forces emphasize that until the end of the aggression against Gaza and the lifting of its siege, they continue to block Israeli shipping and ships going to occupied Palestinian ports.”

The US central command also announced early today that “at 23:30 on Tuesday, the USS Gravely destroyer succeeded in destroying an Ansar Allah anti-ship cruise missile in western Yemen.” According to the American claim, Ansar Allah’s attack was neutralized and there was no damage or casualties.

USS Gravely is a US Navy’s Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer that was sent to the Mediterranean Sea and then the Red Sea after the start of the war in Palestine. This destroyer is equipped with advanced defense systems and missile weapons, including Tomahawk cruise missiles.

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