Map: LNA captured Sirte city like piece of cake!

Monday 6 January 2020 - 21:00

ISWNews Analysis Group: Libyan National Army (LNA) forces could occupy Sirte city in less than 24 hrs in north of Libya.

Today morning Libyan National Army (LNA) forces approached Sirte from two main axes; south from Jufra base and east from Ras Lanuf.
After a few hours of light engagement, LNA entered Saediya Base, Gardabya Air Base, Abu Hadi Palace, Wadi Gharbiyat and southern square of Sirte city from south axis.
In the east axis areas such as Tawila, Sirte harbor, 17th gate and Suwawah area were claimed by LNA.

After the aforementioned advances, Haftar’a LNA forces entered Sirte city city from east and south and following GNA retreat from Sirte, LNA could advance neighborhood to neighborhood toward west until they occupy the whole town in the evening.

After occupying the town, the green flags were raised. The green flag is the symbol of Muammar al-Gaddafi forces, previous ruler of Libya and Sirte was actually the last town which he resisted in there and finally fled and arrested and killed. Hence it shows that in despite of GNA control over the town, the atmosphere was toward LNA and Gen. Haftar and thus the reason why GNA retreated so fast.

At the moment LNA is marching toward Misrata on the western road.

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