Libyan National Army - Islamic World News

Thursday 6 February 2020 - 09:19

A report on Syrian militants in Libya

ISWNews Analysis Group: According to sources in Libya, there are thousands of Syrian militants in Libya, some of whom are former members of terrorist groups such as al Nusrah, ISIS, etc.

Sunday 28 July 2019 - 06:28

Latest Updates on Libya 27 July 2019

The intensification of Libyan National Army & Government of National Accord’s warplanes operations across the war-torn country of Libya

Monday 8 April 2019 - 14:16

Latest Updates on Tripoli, 8 April 2019

ISWNews Analysis Group: Libyan National Army and Government of National Accord engagements in south of Tripoli resulted in Yarmouk camp and Simafro being occupied by the LNA.