Latest Updates on Libya 27 July 2019

Sunday 28 July 2019 - 06:28

The intensification of Libyan National Army & Government of National Accord’s warplanes operations across the war-torn country of Libya

– On Saturday morning, the Libya National Army have made advances in north of Tripoli airport and managed to get to Transportation camp. they succeeded to take control over the camp for a short amount of time. However the National Accord forces, with their counter attacks, forced Haftar forces to retreat from Transportation camp.
Right now the clashes around the Transportation camp continues between the two sides. For several times the Libya National Army tried to conquer this base, but every time their attacks gets repelled.
– According to local sources, last night(Friday) the Libyan Army warplanes attacked some targets in Misrata airbase. It is being said that this airfield have been under attack by airstrikes seven times. the ammo depot and command center were among their targets.
– The operation Room of Government of National Accord forces (“Burkan Al-Ghadab”), in its daily report said that their airstrikes against the Al Jufrah airbase, which is one of the most important airbases of Libyan Army in western region, have been successful.
There is a speculation that a Libyan Army warplanes or an Ilyushin-76 were destroyed in Al Jufrah airbase.

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