Latest updates on Iraq, 14 January 2020

Wednesday 15 January 2020 - 14:30

ISWNews Analysis Group: USA officially threatened to close Iraq’s account in Federal Bank of USA and Adil Abdul-Mahdi was informed.

1. Inviting for anti-USA protests by Muqtada Sadr.
Sadr invited people to march condemning presence of US forces in Iraq and said: I believe that you’ll show everyone that you don’t bow down to universal arrogance.

2. Justice department rejected the news of moving prisoners with terrorism indictment from Naseriyah to Soleimaniyah.

3. Due to ISIS attack to al-Walid passage at the border of Iraq with Syria four Iraqi forces injured.

4. USA officially threatened to close Iraq’s account in Federal Bank of USA and Adil Abdul-Mahdi was informed.

5. Due to incarceration of several sit down strikers in Basra university, several hundred students of the university closed the police HQ in response.

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