Trump meeting with Barham Salih

ISWNews Analysis Group: Iraqi president, Barham Salih met with Donald Trump, the US president in Davos, Switzerland.
Trump said in this meeting: We continue our military collaboration with Iraq. Barham Salih also stressed on fighting ISIS alongside US and having relationship with all friends of Iraq.
This is while the Iraqi parliament members and resistance groups of Iraq warned Barham Salih regarding meeting with Trump before.
P.S. Barham Salih, who was dead happy for Iqlim Kurdistan separation referendum and was against US troops exit from Afghanistan, betrayed blood of martyr Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Iraq by following the West plans.
This behavior of Barham Salih and shake hand with murderer of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is disgusting and pinnacle of disgrace!
Trump first met with the head of the Kurdistan region and then with the President of Iraq! How should Trump insult Iraqis until they understand?! Until when Iraqi nation will tolerate puppets of US in their politics?