Erdogan once again threatens Syria to war

ISWNews Analysis Group: Turkish president Receb Tayib Erdogan during remarks in the weekly meeting of the AK Party in the Turkish parliament, threatened the Syrian army and government to war.
Erdogan said in this meeting:
– In Idlib, Assad regime forces, its supporters Russia and Iranian-backed militias continue to attack against civilians.
– We will do necessary actions regarding Idlib and we will not wait for anyone.
– By the end of February, we will remove Assad regime forces from Turkish observation posts in Idlib.
– From today without attention to the content of Sochi and Astaneh process, we will target Assad regime forces in any place.
– The fighting of the Syrian people is the fighting of the all of 83 million of Turkish population. At this step we can not close our eyes to the deception, self-sale and conspiracy of some people.
– From now on, the planes that were targeting civilians in Idlib will not be able to do this, so easily.
– I say frankly, nobody can be safe in the place that Turkish soldiers blood is shed.
– We are determined regarding the withdrawal of Assad regime forces from Sochi agreement region to the end of February. We will do surely any air and ground action that is necessary.
Erdogan has made a phone call to Putin after this speech. Also the Turkish Foreign Ministry informed of the trip of Turkish negotiating team to Russia.