Suspicious US activities and the European withdrawal from Iraq

Thursday 26 March 2020 - 08:50

ISWNews Analysis Group: Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah issued a statement announcing a new US conspiracy in Iraq to target the positions of Resistance forces.

Kataib Hezbollah noted in the statement:
“While Iraq is struggling with the coronavirus, we have observed suspicious movements by Americans.
The Americans are planning to launch heliborne operations with the help of one of the Iraqi security apparatus, to target the positions and bases of Hashad al-Shaabi, Resistance groups and other security sections.
Kataib Hezbollah, while alerting the mujahideen, warns all Iraqi parties involved in the conspiracy that if they cooperate, they will be treated as an enemy.”

A spokesman for the Iraqi Armed Forces today announced the complete withdrawal of French troops from the country, and earlier the Czech Ministry of Defense had confirmed its withdrawal from Iraq due to the coronavirus outbreak.

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