Latest Updates on Afghanistan and Pakistan, 5 May 2020

Tuesday 5 May 2020 - 17:36

ISWNews Analysis Group: Arif Vazir, one of top members of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) and cousin of Ali Vazir (one of the leaders of this movement) was assassinated by unknown agents in Southern Waziristan.

1. Peace Talks:
– The government of Ashraf Ghani have freed 98 of Taliban prisoners from Polcharkhi prison of Kabul.
– The spokesman for security council of Ashraf Ghani’s government: “Until now 648 of Taliban prisoners were freed and soon the other 850 will be too.”

2. Badakhshan:
During a massive Taliban offense against the Yaftal district, Taliban took the control of 7 villages.

3. Faryab:
During the attack of a Taliban infiltrator in Yangi village, 3 were killed and 9 more injured.

4. Nangarhar
According to the local sources, the intelligence chief of ISIS was arrested by security forces.

5. Helmand:
A car bomb exploded in Nahri Saraj. 5 were killed and 5 mote injured.

6. Paktia:
In the result of explosion of a handmade bomb in a mosque in Kheyrkoot district, 20 praying man were injured.

7. Pakistan:
Arif Vazir, one of top members of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) and cousin of Ali Vazir (one of the leaders of this movement) was assassinated by unknown agents in Southern Waziristan. The PTM is one of ethnic organizations in Pakistan which follows the anti-government and anti army policies. D accused Army of Pakistan of spread of terrorism in the region and abuse of ethnic groups in Pakistan.

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