Syria’s new oil deal with Iran and its important messages

Friday 8 May 2020 - 22:23

Recently, the Syrian opposition media have claimed that the Syrian government has signed contract with Iranian companies for oil exploration operation in the Bukmal region in the Deir Ezzor province, that its publication in this time, raises many questions.

The document of this news, that is published for the first time, is related to remarks of Ali Ghanem, the Syrian oil minister in the recent session of this country parliament.
Ghanem has confirmed in this meeting that the Syrian government has signed a contract with Iran for the oil exploration from block 12 in the al-Bukmal region. He also has said that Syrian oil production can reach to 90,000 barrels in a day until the end of this year.

The announcement of this news in this time, has several political messages regarding Syria that include these cases:

1. Relations between Iran and Syria are strong, and Iran’s presence in Syria can’t be one of the matters of bargaining and negotiating by the Resistance allies like Russia. Recently, the US officials has demanded from Russia, the withdrawal of Iranians from Syria.

2. The second contact of the political message of this oil contract, is Israel. Because they should know that frequent airstrikes of Israel regime warplanes, will not dissuade the Syria from allying with Iran, and the Resistance groups and Iran from presence in Syria.

3. The most important oil fields in Deir Ezzor province, is located in the northern half of this province that is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and in fact the US, and the opposition media analysts claim that the cost of oil exploring and extracting from these regions, are very high. The Turkish “Omran Center for Strategic Studies” believes that oil exploration in the Block 12 is useless and is not considered in the Syrian oil-riched regions. However, it’s so unlikely that Iranian experts will mistake in their researches…

4. Iran, with such contracts, tries to neutralize the impact of US law named Caesar law. The Caesar law has been passed by the US senate in January 2019 in the defense budget of 2020; and makes the imposing sanctions on Syria and its supporters possible. This law has been called Caesar law, in the memory of a traitorous member of the Syrian army with the name of Caesar, that exposed the so-called tortures of arrested people in Syrian prisons.

5. The announcement of the oil contract with Iran by the Syrian government for the first time, is for that to tell foreign powers and the involved sides in Syria that it will not give up its relations with Iran, despite Russian pressures. Because it is their most important and reliable ally, and despite the US, Turkey and (perhaps Russia) will not decide for the next president of Syria, instead of this country’s people.

In the past, Syria was regulating its oil and economic contracts like the oil fields in north of Damascus with Russian companies; but now the attention of Syrians has been more attracted to Iran and as Bashar Assad and Ali Ghanem had mentioned, Syria only rely on its allies Iran and Russia, for reconstruction and economic contracts.
Along this trust and also the end of arm sanction against Iran in the future months, there is a clear outlook in reinforcement of defense capabilities of Syrian army in confronting with Israel attacks.

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