Latest Updates on Afghanistan and Pakistan, 12 May 2020

Tuesday 12 May 2020 - 10:04

The latest news from the Afghanistan frontlines and terrorist attack in Peshawar

1. Ghazni:
– During Taliban attack on security forces station in the Saha Alam region, 4 of security forces were killed and 7 others wounded.
– During the security forces operation in the Andar city, road of this city to the Arezoo and Shaleez regions have been cleared, and about 50 of Taliban forces were killed and wounded.
– 5 security forces and a civilian have killed, in the Taliban attack on the Qiyaq Valley in the Jaghtou district.

2. Logar:
During a security operation by the government forces in the Mohammad Aghe district, 11 Taliban forces have been killed and 4 other wounded.

3. Paktia:
Due to the unknown gunmen shooting in Paktia, 3 civilians were killed.

4. Laghman:
During the clashes between security forces and Taliban in the Laghman, 6 security forces were lost their lives and 5 others wounded.

5. Peace negotiations:
The Taliban political office Spokesman: We welcome India role in reconstruction. The Taliban released 53 of government captives in the Badghis and Faryab.

6. Pakistan:
During terrorist explosion in the Peshawar city, 5 persons including 2 police officers were wounded.

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