Summary of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah speech on the occasion of Martyr Badraddin

Wednesday 13 May 2020 - 21:59

ISWNews Analysis Group: Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezballah had speech about recent updates of region, specially Syria, on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mustafa Badraddin.

Sayyid Nasrallah said:
– Our presence in Syria was due to our awareness of the intensity of the dangers that was threatening the all of region, including Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

– The front against Syria, was the US, Israel, France, Britain and NATO and a number of countries in the region; and the Yemeni and Libyan people are like Syrian.

– Iran will not involve in competing for infiltrate in Syria, with no side, whether with Russia or any other country.

– The Iran’s aim in Syria, is preventing from US and Israeli domination.

– Iran’s presence in Syria, is advisory not military; and many of these advisers were martyred like their martyr commander, Haj Qasem Soleimani, because they were in the front lines beside the Syrian army.

– The reduction of the IRGC Quds forces has been on the Resistance agenda, since 2 years.

– Lebanon needs to improve relations with Syria. We can exchange our crops with the Iraqi market, via Syria.

– The UN forces presence on the Lebanese-Syrian border does not prevent from smuggling. This is one of the 33-days war goals, and we don’t accept it.

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