Al-Qaeda prominent leader killed in Syria’s Idlib

Thursday 25 June 2020 - 13:29

ISWNews Analysis Group: The terrorist group Hurras al-Din, one of the main branches of al-Qaeda in Syria, confirmed the death of deputy of this group Khalid al-Aruri known as Abu al-Qassam al-Ordoni, by issuing a statement.

According to available information, on June 14, Khalid al-Aruri was going to an important meeting near the Idlib city, that was targeted by the US drone missiles and finally died, after hospitalizing for several days.

Khalid al-Aruri was a famous and well-known al-Qaeda figure in the region, with a long history of fighting in various parts of West Asia, such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, along with his close buddy, “Abu Musab al-Zarqawi”.

One of the highlights of his death was the US use of the AGM-114R9X missile. The R9X is a non-explosive kinetic warhead with pop-out blades and when it reaches the target, the razors will pop-out to penetrate the car or destroy the target. The missile deployed in secret in 2017 and its existence has been public since 2019.
This issue is clearly seen in the images that have been published of Khalid al-Aruri’s car, and it seems that in this attack, two R9X missiles have been used.

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