Latest Updates on Yemen, 19 October 2020

Monday 19 October 2020 - 20:16

Latest news from the Yemen’s front

1- Hasan Irloo entered Sanaa as Iran’s ambassador in Yemen. It is said his flight to Sanaa was coordinated by UN.

2- Dhale
– Saudi coalition vast operation was repelled by Ansar Allah in Moris front. Media of the coalition claimed the reason of failure was poor coordination between Saudi coalition and Southern forces.
– According to these media, Saudi coalition suffered by 15 killed, 45 injured and 12 captured.

3- Marib
– Ansar Allah missile attack to Saudi coalition in Ruwaik area.
– Saudi coalition warplanes bombed districts Maheliyah, Rahbah and Majzar eight times in the last 48 hours.

4- Al Hudaydah
Saudi coalition violated ceasefire in the province 375 times in the last 48 hours.

5- Saadah
– Saudi coalition warplanes bombed districts Zaher, Baqem and areas Wadi al-Abu Jabbarah, Qata’ah and Fara’ in district Kitaf nine times in the last 48 hours.

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