Latest Updates on Iraq, 20 October 2020

Tuesday 20 October 2020 - 07:43

The headline of the latest news and the most important developments in Iraq in the last 48 hours

– The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announced the formation of a committee to determine the timing of the withdrawal of US troops from the country.
A meeting chaired by the Iraqi Foreign Minister and National Security Adviser to the Iraqi Prime Minister was held. Earlier, a spokesman for the Iraqi government announced the withdrawal of US troops in less than three years.

– The burning of the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Baghdad by the supporters of the Hashad al-Shaabi forces after the conscious insult of Zebari (Uncle of Massoud Barzani) to these forces.
Hoshyar Zebari in a conversation with Al-Ahd Network after these events: “Others have misunderstood my words. Hashad al-Shaabi is a selfless and mujahid force and no one can disrespect its sacrifices.”
“We understand the feelings of Iraqis and the lovers of Hashad al-Shaabi’s sacrifices, but we oppose the use of violence and destruction in any way,” Hashad al-Shaabi said in a statement.

– Iraqi anti-terrorism forces arrest one of the suicide leaders of ISIS in Kirkuk.

– Stephen Hickey, British Ambassador to Iraq after visiting the grave of Yazidi leader Babashikh: “Britain welcomes the Sinjar agreement and we hope that the KRG and the Iraqi government and the United Nations will take joint action.

– The US blocked the official website of Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq.
In the past few days, the website of al-Nujaba and Al-Itjah was also blocked by the United States.

– Agreement between the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and the Peshmerga on security issues.
The Iraqi Joint Operations Command announced in a statement; Security issues that are important to the parties on the contact line were discussed and three main points were agreed upon:
1- Opening a main coordination center.
2- Forming a joint security, military and field board to assess security challenges.
3- Starting security and military activities in Diyala region.

– Continuation of Turkish airstrikes on Iraqi territory in the northern regions of the country.

– The martyrdom of one of the Hashad al-Asha’eri forces in Nahr Imam village of Diyala province.

– The al-Nujaba movement has denied any connection to the attacks on diplomatic missions in Iraq.

– The heliborne American terrorists in the al-Shalalat area northeast of Mosul.

– Meeting of Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi and Commander of NATO forces in Iraq.

– US Secretary of State expressed satisfaction with the support of Iraqi officials for the Iraqi Embassy in Iraq.

– A roadside bomb exploded near an Iraqi army vehicle by ISIS in the Tarmiyah area of ​​northern Baghdad. Four Iraqi army soldiers were wounded.

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