Latest Updates on Iraq 22 October 2020

Thursday 22 October 2020 - 23:22

The headline of the latest news and the most important developments in Iraq in the last 48 hours

– Javad al-Daraji, commander of law protection force, was dismissed by Mustafa Al Kadhimi after PDK HQ was set ablaze by Hashad Sha’abi supporters.

– USA and UK decried setting PDK office in Baghdad on fire.

– Iqlim Kurdistan inhabitants set Iraq flag on fire in Erbil city in retaliation to Iqlim flag was set on fire in Baghdad.

– Falih al-Fayyadh, commander of Hashad Sha’abi: Rising flag of Hashad Sha’abi on top of PDK HQ in Baghdad after setting it ablaze was an embarrassment. Setting it ablaze was a crime.

– Terrorist group ISIS positions were bombed in south of Mosul by Iraqi warplanes.

– Army and Hashad Sha’abi forces joint operation in south of Mosul to cleanse Kanus island.

– Two of Hashad al-Ashaeri martyred in Jamira village south of Nineveh province.

– Baghdad police engaged with jobless graduates gathered in front of Baghdad security zone.

– Two ISIS terrorists arrested in Ramadi.

– Former governor of Nineveh was arrested due to financial corruption charges.

– Qasem al-Araji, Iraq national security counselor, meeting with deputy of so called international anti ISIS coalition.

– Nechirvan Barzani and Masrour Barzani meeting with India ambassador in Iraq.

– Bombing parts of Iqlim Kurdistan area in north of Iraq by Turkish warplanes.

– A mass grave was discovered in Kirkuk province with more than 50 corpses who were martyred by ISIS when they were controlling the area.

– Hadi al-Ameri, head of Badr organization, meeting with Halbusi, head of parliament.

– A leader of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party:
Turkish army forces number in Baashiqa, 12 km away from Mosul city, is between 600 to 700 who are sent military and food aids using airplane.

– Local sources: Sanjar Peshmarge forces who are 2,500 forces are preparing to return to Sanjar. They are from Sanjar, said by the sources.

– Bodies of eight persons, who were abducted in Farhaniyah province, were found.
Mustafa Al Kadhimi, as head of a committee, visited the area. Some sources claimed the dead people were security forces.
Yahya Rasul, armed forces spokesperson:
ISIS is behind Farhaniyah crime. The terrorist group is dividing between people and the security forces by this crime.

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