Latest Updates on Iraq, 19 November 2020

Friday 20 November 2020 - 16:09

Headlines of Iraq in the last 48 hours

– Rocket attacks to US embassy in Baghdad Green Zone.
An Iraqi security source: Of the seven fired rockets to the Baghdad Green Zone, four rockets hit the inside and two outside and one exploded in the air.
While some sources claimed Ashab al-Kahf group took responsibility of it, Kataib Hezbollah called firing rocket on the Green Zone a stupid action by idiots or Trump mercenaries and a cover on Trump’s failures by creating a crisis. Kadhim al-Fartusi, spokesperson of Kataib Sayed al-Shuhada, however called this attack a thoughtful message and stated American forces should know that their time is not endless.
He said: There is no agreement between the Resistance groups and American forces. But a chance was given to the US government to withdraw their forces from Iraq. They should withdraw all of their forces to be safe from similar attacks.

– An undercover ISIS network was discovered and destroyed in Khanaqin area, Diyala province by Hashad Sha’abi.

– American officials: The White House asked the defense ministry to be prepared to reduce the number of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. According to officials, Pentagon has issued a “warning order” to the military commanders to plan to reduce the number of troops to 2,500 on each of Iraq and Afghanistan by January 15 next year.

– Jumaa Anad, Iraqi defense minister, visit to Iran and welcomed by his Iranian counterpart, general Hatami.

– North of Iraq bombed by Turkish warplanes.

– ISIS endeavor to control Naqshbandi area, Jalula, Diyala province, was defeated by Iraqi army.

– Hashad Sha’abi and Iraqi army vast joint operation in south of Kirkuk.

– Repelling ISIS attack in Adhim, north of Diyala, by Hashad Sha’abi.

– Saraya al-Salam forces repelled ISIS attack near Samarra.

– Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, UN secretary special convoy in Iraq affairs, meeting with Iraqi president, Barham Salih.

– Steven Hickey, UK ambassador in Iraq, met with speaker of parliament.

– Iran and UK ambassadors met.

– Collecting signature in the parliament to dismiss Halbusi, speaker of parliament.

– Qays Khazaali, leader of Asaib Ahl al-Haq: There are information that one of the triple powers chiefs is a spy. Whatever we said since October regarding the presence of a spy was proven.

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