Latest Updates on Ethiopia, 24 November 2020 (Map Update)

– Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s 72-hour deadline for Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) to surrender has come to an end. Abiy Ahmed gave the TPLF three days to surrender on November 22, otherwise the attack on Mekelle, the capital of Tigray province, would begin. The commander of the Ethiopian army also demanded the people to separate their way from the TPLF and stay away from them, otherwise they would be attacked by tanks!
On the other hand, TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael rejected Ahmed’s deadline and said that Tigray would resist the Ethiopian army.
– The Tigray media has denied the Ethiopian Army (ENDF) claim that it captured the city of Adigrat by publishing live broadcast from the city. In recent days, the ENDF has claimed control of the city of Adigrat.
– Bahir Dar airport in Amhara province was again targeted by several rockets.
– The Ethiopian army took control of the May Tsemre region south of the Tigray, and the clashes reached the Adi Harush Refugee Camp in the area. One child is said to have died in the clashes so far.
– According to the United Nations, 40,000 Ethiopian refugees have fled to Sudan since the beginning of the conflict in Tigray province.
– According to the Human Rights Concern – Eritrea (HRCE), there is credible evidence that the Eritrean Armed Forces, including conscripts, have been deployed to the Tigray region of Ethiopia and are engaged in heavy fighting with the TPLF alongside the Ethiopian Armed Forces.
