Latest Updates on Iraq, 1 December 2020

Tuesday 1 December 2020 - 18:05

The headline of the most important news in the last seven days

– Ahmed Mala Tallal, Iraqi government spokesperson, resigned due to different opinions.

– Pro-Muqtada Sadr protestors gathering and praying in Tahrir square of Baghdad following Sadr movement to have unity praying and protest in Baghdad and other provinces.
In the conflict between the protesters and pro Sadr in Naseriyah, seven killed and 50 wounded. Many security forces deployed to this town to control the situation by Al Kadhimi.
Abu Yaser, deputy of Muqtada Sadr, participated in the protests by setting ablaze the LGBT flag and breaking wine bottle symbols.

– Iraqi FM condemned the attack to Aramco oil complex in Saudi Arabia by Ansar Allah.

– Turkish warplanes continue bombing north of Iraq areas.
Turkey released footages of bombing by its warplanes.

– Foad Husein, Iraqi FM, traveled to Russia by formal invitation.
Sergey Lavrov, Russian FM, said his country is ready to arm Iraq, in joint press conference.

– Muhammad Halbusi, Iraqi parliament speaker, formed a committee to solve the issues between Baghdad and Erbil.

– Sayyid Ammar Hakim met with US, UK and Russia ambassadors, separately.

– Iraqi parties and figures reaction to assassination of Fakhrizadeh:
Iraqi FM condemned it in a telephone call to Iran’s FM.
Iqlim Kurdistan head sent condolences to Iran’s leader, condemning the assassination.
Sayyid Ammar Hakim, leader of Hikmat movement, condemned and showed sorrow for assassination of martyr Fakhrizadeh, in meeting with Iran’s ambassador.
Daawa Party with secretary of Nouri Maliki, Fath coalition led by Hadi al-Amiri, Association of Muslim Scholars, Nujaba movement and Kataib Hizbollah condemned the terrorist act in separate messages.

– Iraqi army accused SDF of ignoring terrorists entering Iraq.

– Iraqi immigration ministry: Three thousand refugees returned to their homes in provinces Diyala, Nineveh, Salahadin, Anbar.

– Hashad Sha’abi: More forces needed in Anbar province to confront Takfiris.

– Rocket attack to Baiji oil refinery, Salahadin province. ISIS took the responsibility.

– USA blocked al-Ghadir website.

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