Latest Updates on Iraq, 3 December 2020

Friday 4 December 2020 - 15:35

– US evacuates half of its diplomats from Iraq.
Some believe it is due to the tensions between USA and Iran in the last days of Trump administration.

– Mustafa Al Kadhimi in the cabinet meeting: We announced the election to be held on 6 June and insist to hold it successfully.

– ISIS important suicide terrorist Abu Jihad was arrested in Mosul.
Iraqi intelligence: He was active in terrorist groups Abu Ubayda Jarrah.

– Six terrorists killed in Makhmour.

– Iraqi joint operation command reported that pro-PKK militia will leave Sinjar town.

– Iraqi president, Barham Salih, in meeting with Iraj Masjedi, Iranian ambassador, condemning assassination of martyr Fakhrizadeh, said Iraq rejects any violence and stays far from any conflict.

– Protests in Soleimaniyah city by unpaid teachers and employees.
Security forces tried to disperse people by teargas which resulted in injury of several protesters and one of local parliament members.

– After refugees returned from Kirkuk province and by closure of Leylan al-Awwal camp, all of the camps in the province are closed.

– Nechirvan and Masrur Barzani meeting with Russian ambassador.

– UK minister for the armed forces met with Nechirvan and Masoud Barzani

– 11 ISIS terrorists killed by Iraqi security forces in Makhul mountain.

– Several troops martyred and wounded in Iraqi army and ISIS battle in Taramiyah area, north of Baghdad.

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