Latest Updates on Marib front, 15 March 2021 (Map Update)

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ansar Allah stabilized recent advances in east and south of Marib dam.
According to latest updates on Marib front, Ansar Allah launched attacks to heights al-Balaq surrounding the Marib dam and east of the dam yesterday which resulted in weakening of Saudi coalition positions in the heights.
As expected and we mentioned before, Ansar Allah should activate the eastern and southern fronts of the dam to liberate the dam and surrounding heights, thus, Ansar Allah could cleanse the southern and eastern parts of the dam.
With liberation of al-Najd, Masqa Al Naser and southern height of the dam, the road on south of Marib town is now within reach of Ansar Allah. If Ansar Allah puts pressure on Saudi coalition in Marib dam and other points, there is possibility of the coalition retreat.
In other fronts, Saudi coalition launched heavy attack in Mashjah front which has been repelled by Ansar Allah so far. Some local sources reported that Khashab mountain in east of Kisarat was liberated by Ansar Allah, which cannot be confirmed yet.
