Latest Updates on Marib Front, 3 April 2021 (Map Update)

ISWNews Analysis Group: Clashes between Ansar Allah and the Saudi-led forces continued in west of Marib.
According to the latest news on Marib front, there are conflicts in areas of al-Khashab mountain, Iadat al-Raa, Tala’at al-Hamra, and the heights near Marib dam at the moment and Ansar Allah could liberate al-Khashab mountain. The distance between the conflict lines from the western entrance of Marib city has reduced to 9 km.
Ansar Allah did not enter Suwayda refugee camp to protect civilians lives. It is said that most of homeless people in the camp are families of Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists from north Baydha and other areas who were transported here due to Ansar Allah’s cleansing operation.
Saudi coalition recent attacks to Iadat al-Raa were repelled by Ansar Allah and if Ansar Allah can hold the area, the possibility that Saudi coalition forces retreat from Tala’at al-Hamra is high.
Saudi coalition warplanes bombed Sarwah district 15 times, Madghal district 8 times, Majzar district 6 times and Maheliyah district once in recent days.
