Former top agent David Barnea appointed as the new head of Mossad

Tuesday 25 May 2021 - 19:26

ISWNews Analysis Group: Benyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel appointed David Barnea as the head of Mossad.

In a ceremony Netanyahu stated that Iran is a threat to the existence of Jewish race and the first mission of the organization is to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapon.

Following up on normalizing the relations with UAE, Bahrain, etc., conducting intelligence and logistical assassination operations in Iran, cyber attacks, guiding the unrests in west of Asia are among Mossad’s activities during the former chief, Yossi Cohen.
David Barnea has been an officer in Mossad for three decades. He is famous as xxx and has been deputy of Cohen since 15 December 2020.

It is said he is behind assassinating Iran’s nuclear scientist and has high experience in the special operations unit of Mossad. It is expected that by this appointment, Mossad’s activities against Iran and Hezbollah increases.

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