Latest Updates on Iraq, 5 June 2021

Sunday 6 June 2021 - 16:06

1- Baghdad
– ISIS terrorists attack on Hashad Sha’abi positions in Taramiyah area, north of Baghdad. One Hashad troop martyred and seven wounded.
– Due to gas cylinder explosion in Kadhimin, 3 died and 21 wounded. ISIS took responsibility in a statement.
– A logistical convoy of US terrorist army in Baghdad was attacked by a Resistance group in Baghdad.
– Alarm went off in American forces base in Victory camp adjacent to Baghdad airport.

2- Duhok:
Five Peshmerga militants killed in an attack to their vehicle by PKK militants in Amedi area.

3- Anbar:
Flight of an US air force Bombardier E-11A over north of Ramadi.

4- Dhi Qar:
Iraqi Resistance groups attacked a logistical convoy of US terrorist army in Naseriyah.

5- Diyala:
23rd brigade of Hashad Sha’abi cleansing operation in Naft Khane area, northeast of Diyala province.
– Iraqi security forces arrested 12 ISIS terrorists.

6- Kirkuk:
– Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service with the help of police discovered five ready to launch Gerad missiles in Ihsar village of Alton Kupri area.
– ISIS took responsibility of attacking an army base in west of Tuz Khurmato.

7- Saladdin:
Hashad Sha’abi artillery shelling ISIS safe havens.

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