Latest Updates on Iraq 19 July 2021

Monday 19 July 2021 - 21:25

ISWNews Analysis Group: A short while after visit of Hossein Taeb, IRGC intelligence chief from Iraq, Sayyid Mahmoud Alavi, Intelligence Minister of Iran visits Iraq and meets Iraqi officials.

1- Baghdad:
– In conflict between security forces with ISIS terrorists in Taramiyah area, north of Baghdad, two security forces martyred.
– On July 17, fire in Muthanna military base was extinguished by the Iraq firefighters.
– On July 19, at least 15 people were injured and 36 were killed in a terrorist blast in the Baghdad’s Sadr City.

2- Kirkuk:
Due to ISIS terrorists attack to Iraqi army HQ in south of Kirkuk four soldiers martyred.

3- Dhi Qar:
On July 15, a logistical caravan of American occupiers was attacked in Naseriyah.

4- Erbil:
Robert Palladino, new US consulate in Erbil, met with the Democratic Party leader, foreign affairs chief and prime minister of Kurdistan Iqlim.

5- Nineveh:
– Nineveh Police Command arrested Abu Yusuf, entitled as security lion of ISIS. He is a leader of ISIS during the time ISIS was occupying Mosul.
– IED explosion en route Turkish army patrol near Baashiqah base, north of Mosul.

6- Duhok:
Turkish intelligence claimed that two PKK members were killed in Duhok area.

7- Anbar:
– Anbar Operation Command launched an operation against ISIS hidden cores.
– Security forces shot down an unknown drone over Fallujah.

8- A short while after visit of Hossein Taeb, IRGC intelligence chief from Iraq, Sayyid Mahmoud Alavi, Intelligence Minister of Iran visits Iraq and meets Iraqi officials.

9- On July 15, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Iraqi PM, met with an American committee, led by the White House coordinator in middle east affairs. Brett McGurk said: USA will withdraw troops from Iraq step by step. Al-Kadhimi’s counselor said: Iraqi PM will will examine US troops withdrawal schedule in Washington.

10- On 18 July, US drones attacked a Hashad Sha’abi vehicle at the border with Syria.

11- Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, Iraqi commander in chief, promoted three security commanders, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, deputy chief of staff, Ahmed Abu Ragheef, head of intelligence department of ministry of state and Mohammed Al-Bayati, military deputy of prime ministry, fro Lieutenant General to full General.

12- Murders of Hisham al-Hashimi, Iraqi researcher and reporter, arrested. One of them is an officer of Ministry of Sate.

13- PKK claims to kill five Turkish soldiers in north of Iraq in two operations.

14- Mustafa Al-Kadhimi will meet Joe Biden on July 26 in the White House.

15- Muqtada Sadr, leader of Sadr movement, said in a speech on July 15 that he doesn’t have any involvement on the current or future government.

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