Ahmad Massoud: I call on all Afghans to join the Panjshir resistance!

ISWNews Analysis Group: Ahmad Massoud, son of “Ahmad Shah Massoud”, declared resistance against the Taliban in a message through the French media La Règle du Jeu.
Ahmad Massoud wrote in this message:
“People of Afghanistan, Mujahideen brothers, friends of freedom all over the world!
Tyranny has won in Afghanistan.
Tyranny is being done with noise and anger.
Revenge is flowing in our wounded land.
Kabul cries.
Our land is iron.
Is everything lost? No!
My father, Commander Massoud, our national hero, bequeathed to me a legacy, and this legacy is the struggle for the freedom of Afghans.
That struggle is inevitable now.
My companions and I with our weapons are ready to give our blood.
We call on all free Afghans, all those who reject slavery, to join our stronghold in Panjshir, the last free zone in our suffering land.
I say to Afghans from all regions and tribes: Fight with us!
I say to the Afghans who live outside our borders but keep Afghanistan close to them: Know that you have compatriots who have not yet surrendered here in Panjshir.
I ask many others in France, Europe, the United States, the Arab world, and elsewhere who helped us fight for freedom, first against the Soviet Union and then against the Taliban twenty years ago: Are you, dear friends, once again as before, Are you helping us on the path to freedom?
Despite the betrayal of some, we still trust you.
Our situation as Afghans is the same as in Europe in 1940.
With the exception of Panjshir, the fall is almost complete, and the spirit of compromise with the Taliban is spreading among the survivors. Compromise with those who have defeated this war with their defeats.
Only we stand.
We will never give up.
On the eve of the fall of Kabul, I quoted a phrase from Winston Churchill to a friend of the French writer which gave the message of blood, suffering, tears and sweat of shame.
Today I think of what General de Gaulle said after the defeat of the French army: France has lost a battle but not a war.
We Afghans have not even lost a battle because Kabul has not yet fought.
Here in Panjshir, small and large Mojahedin have taken up arms.
Join us with your spirit or through direct support.
Friends of freedom, come to us with as many people as possible.
Together we will write a new page in the story of Afghanistan.
This will be a new chapter in the eternal resistance of the oppressed against tyranny.
With God’s help, we will win.”
Ahmad Massoud is based in the northeastern Afghan province of Panjshir and has taken control of the province. His resistance comes as the Taliban have taken control of the country following the withdrawal of US and NATO allies from Afghanistan, and President Ashraf Ghani has fled Afghanistan.
Assalaamu Wa Alaykum O Ummah of Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).
Fitna when all Afghan’s need to be united against this crazy incantation, I am not on any Muslims side who wants to fight against another Muslim, I blunt my sword and head for the hills eating the roots of trees till death overtakes me… It’s Harram and both sides end up in hell fire wishing the hadn’t followed there own evil and corrupted desires or that of others and followed Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) instead.
Wake up Muslims the devil is at work here think for yourselves rather than others doing it for you following the good guidance of Allaah (s.w.t.) that which is sure without doubt as prescribed for us in the Quran.