Ships carrying Iranian fuel en route to Lebanon + video

Thursday 19 August 2021 - 17:15

ISWNews Analysis Group: Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Hezbollah movement, in his speech today on the occasion of Ashura, announced that ships carrying fuel will leave Iran for Lebanon in a few hours.

Hezbollah Secretary General of Lebanon said: “In the first ship, we gave priority to fuel oil because it is highly needed and the lives of the Lebanese people depend on it. After this ship, other ships will be on their way. From the moment the Iranian ship starts moving, we will consider it as Lebanese territory. We do not accept the humiliation of our people.”

Sayyed Hassan said: “We appreciate and thank Imam Khamenei and the President of Iran for standing by the Lebanese people. We thank Iran for always standing by the Lebanese people, as it has done in resisting the liberation of our land and resisting aggression. Despite sanctions against Iran and pressure on the country, they have never given up on their allies and abandoned their friends. The amputated hand of Martyr Qassem Soleimani at the Iraqi airport is evidence that Iran has not left its friends alone. Iran has not interfered in Lebanese affairs for the past 40 years. Our decisions are our own. We are not tools of someone and like some slaves of others. Iran has never interfered in the formation of any government in Lebanon and has not prevented the forming of government in Lebanon , but it is some foreign parties that are doing this.”

“Security forces have discovered millions of liters of gasoline and fuel oil, indicating that the crisis is deliberate,” Nasrallah said in a statement. He added: “What is happening in our country is an economic war that is in Israel’s interest. The US embassy is managing this economic and propaganda war against Lebanon and is behind these provocative actions. The US Embassy is not a diplomatic mission in Lebanon, but a conspiratorial embassy against the Lebanese people. Your embassy in Beirut will fail as it did before.”

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