Latest Updates on Yemen, 12 November 2021

Friday 12 November 2021 - 09:43

ISWNews Analysis Group: Following the clashes between Ansar Allah and the Saudi-led forces in the south of Marib province, Ansar Allah succeeded in liberating the Faliha area near the al-Balaq al-Sharqi mountain.

1- Marib:
– Ansar Allah and popular committees captured the Faliha area near the al-Balaq al-Sharqi mountain.
– A car bomb explosion was reported near a mosque in the al-Kolah area of Marib. The explosion reportedly orchestrated by al-Qaeda or ISIS.

2- Saudi coalition airstrikes:
The Saudi coalition warplanes have bombed AnsarAllah-controlled areas more than 40 times in the past 48 hours.
These attacks include: 20 – in Jubah district, 10 – in Sarwah district, 1 – in Harib district in Marib province, 2 – in al-Thawra district, 2 – in Sanhan district, 1 – in Sab’in district in Sanaa province, 2 – in Sahar district, 2 – in Kataf district, 2 – Majaz district in Saada province, 2 – in Harf Safyan district in Amran province, 1 – in Haradh district in Hajjah province.

3- Al-Hudaydah:
– The Saudi-led forces have violated the ceasefire 527 times in the past 48 hours.
– The Saudi coalition drones have bombed al-Faza area 7 times and al-Jabaliya area 3 times.
– Al-Amalaqah forces evacuated their positions in the south and east of the city of Al-Hudaydah, Kilo 16, al-Jah and the village of Taif on the outskirts of al-Durayhami, and headed for Aden. The retreat follows recent dispute between al-Amalaqah and Tariq Saleh and their heavy casualties in Ansar Allah missile and drone strikes.

4- Saada:
– One person was killed and two others were wounded as a result of the Saudi coalition artillery attacks on Razih, Baqim and Shada.
– One person was killed as a result of the Saudi coalition artillery attack on the al-Raqu border area in the Munbah district.

5- Al-Jawf:
Mansour Hadi’s forces claimed to have shot down an Ansar Allah spy drone in the al-Yatmah area.

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