Resistance Forces Pounded Three US Bases In Syria (Video)

Saturday 25 March 2023 - 11:52

ISWNews Analysis Group – In response to the US airstrikes on positions of the resistance groups in Deir Ezzor province, the resistance groups targeted three bases belonging to the US occupiers in eastern Syria with several rockets and drones.

Late on March 24, the resistance groups in retaliation to the US airstrikes on positions of SAA and Iranian-backed groups in Deir Ezzor province, which led to the death of six Syrian servicemen, pounded the US positions at the CONOCO gas facilities and al-Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor province, and the al-Shadadi strategic base in the southern suburbs Hasakah province with several rockets and suicide drones.

Read more: An American Contractor Was Killed In Syria; American Airstrike On Resistance Positions

Minutes after the attack, an American military official stated that one of our bases in Syria’s Deir Ezzor province was targeted by at least eight rockets. US President Joe Biden also implicitly retreated from the escalation of tensions and said: “To make no mistake, the United States does not — does not, emphasize — seek conflict with Iran,, But be prepared for us to act forcefully to protect our people. That’s exactly what happened last night.”

After the attacks ended, a US official told Al Jazeera that a US soldier was wounded following the rocket attack on three US bases in Syria. Also, the air defense systems shot down two of the three attacking drones.

It should be noted that, hours before the start of the new round of resistance rocket attacks, in the morning of the same day, the positions of the US coalition in the Omar oil field were also targeted by a rocket attack. The US CENTCOM announced in a statement that “on the morning of March 24, ten rockets were fired at the Green Village compound, but this attack did not cause any damage or casualties. One of the rockets hit a residential house, causing heavy damage to the house and injures to two women and two children.”

After about 12 hours have passed since last night’s attacks by resistance forces against the US, there is no military response from the US military. This shows that the US refuses to increase tensions and continue conflicts with Iran in Syria.

Rocket attack on the positions of the US coalition in CONOCO gas facilities in Deir Ezzor province
Explosions at the US base in the Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor province
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