Taliban Cmdr. Killed In Afghanistan, Pakistan Border Clash

Wednesday 28 June 2023 - 07:19

A border confrontation between the Taliban and Pakistani border forces at the Angur Ada border crossing in Barmal district has left six Taliban forces, including a field commander, as well as five Pakistani soldiers killed and injured.

ISWNews Analysis Group – As a result of the border clash between Taliban military personnel and Pakistani border guards on June 25, at the Angur Ada border crossing between the South Waziristan of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Afghanistan’s Paktika Province, six Taliban forces, including intelligence commander of the Taliban’s 203 Mansoori Corps Qari Sibghatullah Takal as well as five Pakistani soldiers were killed and injured.

This is the twelfth border clash between the Taliban and Pakistani border forces since the group came to power in Afghanistan.

The last confrontation between Taliban military staff and Pakistani border guards occurred on February 20, 2023 at the Torkham border crossing located in Mohmand Dara district in Nangarhar province, where a Pakistani soldier was injured; then, trade activities at the crossing were suspended by Pakistan for several days.

Read more: Infographic: Taliban Border Clashes With Neighboring States Of Afghanistan

Every time following such incidents the Taliban officials pledge to observe international border laws and sack rogue military commanders, but they have not yet been successful in completely preventing such provocations by their border commanders.

Angur Ada crossing and the direction of the border conflict between the Taliban and the Pakistan Border Guards
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