Shia Communities Of Parachinar, Takfiri Tribes Reconcile

Saturday 15 July 2023 - 20:24

After heavy attacks by Takfiri tribes and militant groups against Shia residents in the Pakistani town of Parachinar, Kurram District in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the warring parties made peace and signed a ceasefire treaty with the mediation of the local tribal council (Jirga-e-Qaumi).

Five days after heavy attacks by Takfiri tribes and militant groups against Shia communities in the villages of Pawar, Boshra Bangash, Dandar, Khar Kalay and Balish Khel located in the Parachinar town, the mediation by the local tribal council (Jirga-e-Qaumi) consisted of 30 elders from Shia and Sunni tribes in the Kohat, Orakzai and Hangu regions led to a ceasefire and a five-article peace treaty was signed on July 14.

According to the peace treaty between Shia and Takfiri tribes in Parachinar town, all fronts and trenches of the warring parties will be handed over to the Pakistani army and every party, which violates the ceasefire, will not be forgiven.

Furthermore, in case of violation of one of the clauses of the peace treaty, the violating party will be fined 120 million Pakistani PKR.

The conflict between Shia and Takfiri tribes kicked off on July 9, and three days later.
Following the arrival of more than a thousand Taliban militants from Afghanistan and other Takfiri groups from eastern border regions of Afghanistan into Kurram District, the clash was accompanied by an increase of attacks by Takfiri groups to most Shia-populated areas in Parachinar town.

As a result of the attacks, 14 Shia people, including several children, were martyred.

Read more: Siege Of Shia Muslims Tightened In Parachinar

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