Top Commander Of Tehrik-E Taliban Pakistan Assassinated In Eastern Afghanistan

Sunday 16 July 2023 - 08:57

Unidentified gunmen assassinated Qari Mohammad Dawezi, most important field commander in the city of Sharan located in the center of Paktika province in eastern Afghanistan.

ISWNews Analysis Group: On July 13, unidentified gunmen assassinated Qari Mohammad Dawezi, the highest field commander of the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and one of the close associates of leader of the (TTP) Omar Khaled Khorasani, in Sharan city, the center of Paktika province located in eastern Afghanistan.

Qari Mohammad Dawezi, known as Mohammad Ibrahim, comes from the Kurram District of ​​Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and is an important field commander of the Pakistani Taliban Movement.

He is trusted by the leader of the group and is also a member of the leadership council of the terrorist group Jamaat-ul-Ahrar Pakistan.

Read more: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan And The Jamaat-ul-Ahrar Group

Mia Jafar and Qari Qadim were also his two brothers who were killed in Taliban clashes with US/NATO forces in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani government set a prize of one million Pakistani rupees for providing any information about his hideout.

It should be noted that the Taliban government has not commented on the killing of Qari Muhammad Dawezi, the commander of the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan in Paktika province.

Dawezi was probably assassinated by order of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) with the aim of retaliating a terrorist attack on an army base by elements of the Afghan Taliban group or other factions opposed to him in the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan.  

General Asim Munir Ahmed Shah HI, Chief of Staff of the Pakistani Army, threatened militants from Pakistan’s Taliban Movement and other terrorist groups on Afghan soil that they would take revenge on them during a visit to the wounded personnel from an armed attack by the Jihadi Movement of Pakistan (TJP) on an army base in Balochistan province on July 12.

Read more: Identification Of Formation And History Of Activities Of Tehrik-E-Taliban Pakistan

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