Latest Updates On Palestine, 30 July 2023

Sunday 30 July 2023 - 17:53

– On July 16, a Palestinian armed youth targeted a group of Israeli settlers at a checkpoint in the southern West Bank, injuring at least three Israelis during the operation.

– On July 19, the Hebrew-language news website Walla reported the collapse of the Israeli regime’s army units as well as military rebellion and disobedience, emphasizing that thousands of Israeli army reserve forces have expressed opposition to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial judicial reform plan due to fear and concern about the outbreak of conflicts on several fronts.

– On July 22, military analyst for the Hebrew-language newspaper Maariv Elon Ben David said that the blow that Netanyahu has inflicted on the Israeli army will take a decade to recover!

– On July 23, the Army Radio of the Zionist regime reported that the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) has warned of the possible collapse of the army due to Netanyahu’s judicial reform plan, declaring that we are taking steps towards becoming a weak army and demanded an immediate halt to judicial reform.

– On July 24, the Israeli regime’s parliamentarians voted 64 in favor of removing the principle of unreasonableness. By approving the removal of this principle, the regime’s parliament has finally approved a change in part of the judicial structure.

– On July 25, the Zionist regime’s military forces raided the city of Nablus, during which there was intense fighting between resistance forces and Israeli troops. In this clash, Israeli forces shot at a vehicle, killing three Palestinian resistance fighters.

– On July 25, Khaled Malaisha, one of the prominent commanders of Jenin Brigade affiliated with Al-Quds Brigades, which is the military branch of the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine, was kidnapped by the Palestinian National Security Forces who are the paramilitary security forces of the Palestinian National Authority in Al-Jab’a village in southern Jenin. Malaisha had been wanted by the Israeli regime for some time.

– Israel’s Channel 13 TV network reported that some experts and specialists in Israel’s nuclear energy sector intend to resign in protest against Netanyahu’s so-called judicial reforms.

– On July 27, Al-Ayyash Brigade affiliated to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas resistance movement’s military wing in Palestine, released a video of rocket fire from Jenin city towards Ram-On settlement located in vicinity of Jenin.

– According to Hebrew-language sources, at least 40,000 Israeli settlers have stormed into Al-Aqsa Mosque since the beginning of 2023.

– Tamir Hayman, the formerly the head of the IDF’s Military Intelligence Directorate, said that the Israeli army has entered a battle (internal conflicts) that it will not be able to win in this conflict.

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