Infographic: Unidentified Gunmen Assassinate 366 People In South Syria In 2022

The information, which have been collected from the tensions and unrest in southern Syria, show that some 366 people were killed by unidentified gunmen in southern Syria throughout 2022.
ISWNews Analysis Group – A media outlet affiliated to the militants active in the Arab country reported that the statistics on the killings of people in southern Syria, which have been released newly, show that about 366 Syrian soldiers plus former militants, and Syrian government officials and so on were killed all through 2022.
The published statistics are as follows:
1- Assassination of 186 members of the Syrian armed forces and allies.
2- Assassination of at least 17 Syrian political officials
3- Assassination of 56 former militants (people who joined the Syrian armed forces after the reconciliation plan)
4- Assassination of 64 former militants (people who returned to normal life after the reconciliation plan and turned into civilians)
5- Assassination of 26 members of terrorist groups such as ISIS, Free Syrian Army, and so on
6- Assassination of 17 drug dealers
It is worth mentioning that the southern regions Syria have always been susceptible to chaos, armed conflicts, assassination, and so on, because there have been dormant terrorist cells and the initial militants in those areas since the onset of foreign-backed war in the Arab country.
The spread of assassination and insecurity in southern Syria has clearly affected economic activity and people’s lives; so, despite the fact that several years have passed, insecurity has not yet been completely eradicated. Therefore, the lack of a clear horizon for the end of insecurity is driving many residents of southern Syria to come to the conclusion that they have to migrate from their residential areas.
