Establishment Of Burkan Al-Furat Group By US To Confront The Axis of Resistance; Is US Turning Syrian Tribes Into Their Own Infantry In Region?

 ISWNews Analysis Group
Author: ISWNews Analysis Group
Tuesday 15 August 2023 - 20:56

Sources close to Syrian militants have reported the establishment of a group called Burkan Al-Furat (Euphrates Volcano) with the support of the US-led coalition to attack Syrian army caravans and positions as well as the Axis of Resistance in Deir ez-Zor Governorate.

The publication of the news coincides with increased movements by the US military forces in Syria, as well as their meetings with some Syrian tribes and clans, which reinforces speculations that the United States is turning Syrian tribes into their own infantry in the region.

In July 2023, the US-led coalition and the Free Syrian Army or Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), formerly known as Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra, held a meeting with tribal elders from Homs province and the Syrian Desert in the Al-Tanf military base in southern Syria. The content of this meeting has not yet been released, but it is said that US commanders discussed plans on some issues, including their persistence on opposing the Syrian government as well as their protests against the Axis of Resistance.  

Following the meeting, some sources reported that certain Syrian tribes were ready to launch ground attacks against the Axis of Resistance in eastern Syria.

After an increase in movements by the Axis of Resistance forces, the US-led coalition deployed their forces, including the Al-Sanadid forces – the Shammar tribe youths who are under the command of SDF and supported by the US-led coalition – around gas facilities in natural gas field and villages on the northern outskirts of Deir ez-Zor governorate, because they are afraid of being targeted by the resistance fighters.

Later, local media outlets reported that a convoy belonging to the Axis of Resistance in Deir ez-Zor Governorate was targeted similar to what is done against the United States’ convoys in Iraq and Syria in the past. Minutes after the attack on the convoy in Deir ez-Zor, the newly established Euphrates Volcano group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement, stating that one member of the resistance forces was martyred in the strike.

Video of the alleged attack by Burkan al-Furat group

More details about the commander, number of forces, and goals of the Euphrates Volcano group have not been released yet, but according to local sources, the Euphrates Volcano group is supported by the US-led coalition and its mission is clearly to attack caravans and positions of the Syrian army and the Axis of Resistance in Deir ez-Zor Governorate.

If these reports are true and the US continues to recruit some Syrian tribes to carry out their plans against the Syrian government and the Axis of Resistance, it could lead to further conflicts in the region.

Statement and logo of Burkan al-Furat Group

It seems that the United States officials are trying to start partisan battles against the Syrian army and the Axis of Resistance, especially in eastern Syria, by investing in Syrian tribes and supporting small local groups, reproducing the partisan battles previously waged against the American forces.

So far, at least one guerrilla attack has been carried out against a convoy of the Axis of Resistance. Time will tell why the United States’ authorities are militarily supporting Syrian tribes and how long this support will continue!

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