Latest Updates On Syria, 1 September 2023

Saturday 2 September 2023 - 08:33

Review of the latest military developments in Syria in the past week

1- Aleppo:
– On August 28, according to information from a Syrian military source, around 04:30 local time on Monday, the Zionist enemy attacked Aleppo International Airport by using several missiles from the Mediterranean Sea in western Latakia Governorate. This attack resulted in damage to the runway.

Read more: Israeli Air Aggression On Aleppo International Airport

– On August 27, a delegation of US Congress representatives illegally entered Syrian territory through the Bab al-Salameh border crossing and visited the city of A’zaz in northern Aleppo Governorate.
– On August 25, following artillery attacks by the Syrian army on the Kafar Taal area in Aleppo Governorate, 4 members of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham were killed and 7 others were injured.

Read more: Deadly Strikes On Tahrir Al-Sham Group

2- Idlib:  
– On August 23, militant positions in the Al-Bara area in southern Idlib Governorate were targeted by Syrian army artillery attacks.
– On August 23, the deputy head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria announced the killing of 17 members of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham militants in an attack by Russian fighter jets on various areas of Idlib Governorate.  
– Media close to militants claimed that Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham elements handed over an Iranian fighter as well as an Iraqi fighter to Turkish intelligence agents at Bab al-Hawa crossing in Idlib Governorate.
– On August 26, Ansar al-Tawhid militants detonated a tunnel under a Syrian army headquarters on the Malaja axis, during which several Syrian soldiers were martyred and injured. It is said that after this explosion, militants attacked Syrian army positions in this area and a severe clash took place in that region.
– On August 28, the Syrian Ministry of Defense released a video of the killing of several militants in a joint attack by the Syrian and Russian armies on their positions in Idlib Governorate.
– On September 1, militant positions in the Al-Bara and Al-Fatira areas in southern Idlib Governorate were targeted by Syrian army artillery attacks.

3- Daraa:
On August 30, one of the former militants in Tafas city located in Daraa Governorate was assassinated by unidentified armed individuals.

4- Deir ez-Zor:
– The Syrian Democratic Forces announced on Wednesday the dismissal of the head of Deir ez-Zor Military Council for committing crimes, violations and abusing powers.
– Following the dismissal of the head of Deir ez-Zor Military Council by the Syrian Democratic Forces, armed clashes took place between Syrian tribes and SDF agents in various parts of Deir ez-Zor Governorate.

Read more: Clashes In East Syria Between Tribes, US-Backed SDF Intensify (Video)

5- Hasakah:
– On August 30, Turkey-backed militants targeted positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on the outskirts of Tal Tamr with artillery attacks.
– On August 21, General Michael Corilla, commander of the US terrorist headquarters in West Asia (CENTCOM), visited Al-Hol and Roj camps (home to ISIS family members) during a trip to Hasakah Governorate.
– On August 26, US military vehicles approached Hama village and attempted to cross through this area, but villagers stopped caravans before crossing through village. Local people supported by Syrian soldiers forced Americans to retreat.

6- Damascus:
On August 30, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amirabdollahian met and talked with Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous and Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad during a trip to Syria’s capital Damascus.

Read more: Iranian Foreign Minister’s Visit To Syria

7- On August 28, a military source at Jordan’s Armed Forces Command said that border guards coordinated with drug control administration and other security agencies to monitor and shoot down an attempt to illegally fly a drone from Syria into Jordan.

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