Iranian Defense Official Provides New Details On Failed Israeli Sabotage Plot

Sunday 3 September 2023 - 17:44

On August 31, a spokesman for the Iranian Defense Ministry revealed more details about a failed plot by the Israeli Mossad spy agency to sabotage the Iranian defense industry.

Speaking in a live interview with the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Reza Talaei-Nik said that the plot was uncovered as result of a “multi-year intelligence operation.”

“Nine years ago, our colleagues were working on one of the networks of the enemy … when they found that the Zionist regime’s Mossad was focusing on some subjects in the defense industry including the connector,” the Mehr News Agency quoted the spokesman as saying during the interview.

As a part of the foiled plot, Mossad agents wanted to supply faulty military-grade connectors to the Iranian defense industry.

“Our intelligence forces detected the connectors before they entered the missile system,” Talaei-Nik said.

The spokesman also noted that the experts of the ministry of defense managed to detach the faulty section from the connectors and rebuild and use them again.

The connectors were redesigned by the Mossad to cause an explosion within a determined period of time, Talaei-Nik revealed.

“The enemy did not understand that we had detected [their plot] which means that they wanted to surprise us with an operation on defense systems but they were taken by surprise,” the spokesman added.

Talaei-Nik noted that the plot would have caused the loss of $19 million of military equipment if it had succeeded as planned.

The spokesman also stressed that Iran will not hesitate to take serious legal actions against the countries that have collaborated with the Mossad in the plot.

The whole plot began to fall apart when a trader became suspicious after he noticed that foreign suppliers of the connectors were closely monitoring Iran’s domestic market and the distributors of the parts, said Talaei-Nik, adding that the individual notified officials in the Intelligence Organization of the Defense Ministry.

The spokesman went on to say that the Iranian intelligence officials, who had already been tipped off, utilized the information to identify the rest of the Mossad network.

The intelligence department of the Iranian Defense Ministry and the logistics branch of the armed forces were the first to announce the failed Mossad sabotage plot. Israel has not commented on the Iranian allegation, so far.

The Israeli intelligence orchestrated several attacks against Iranian infrastructure, defense industrial complex and nuclear facilities over the years. The attacks included cyber sabotage, assassinations of key officials and scientists as well as bombings, some of which were carried out with bombs. Iran usually responds by launching its own covert operations against Israeli targets.

Originally posted on SouthFront

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