ISIS Terrorists Attack Al-Sukhnah In Syria

Thursday 19 October 2023 - 17:52

Elements of the ISIS terrorist group seized control of several Syrian army checkpoints in the Al-Sukhnah area near the city of Tadmur (Palmyra) after launching simultaneous attacks from multiple fronts.

ISWNews Analysis Group – ISIS terrorists launched a major attack on eight Syrian military checkpoints in the Al-Sukhnah desert in Homs Governorate in the late hours of October 18.

As ISIS militants approached Syrian army positions and fighting escalated, Syrian soldiers were forced to retreat from their checkpoints. Following the incident, ISIS terrorists took control of some of the checkpoints for a few minutes.

It is said that ISIS militants seized some weapons, ammunition, and several vehicles in this raid. According to local sources, at least 15 Syrian soldiers were taken captive by ISIS terrorists.

Hours after the armed clashes, a Syrian army aid convoy and National Defense Forces (NDF) entered the town of Al-Sukhnah to be dispatched to contaminated and suspicious areas.

It should be noted that the geographical location of Al-Sukhnah and its proximity to areas under ISIS control and hideouts (southwest of Deir ez-Zor desert and east of Tadmur city) has made the areas vulnerable to occasional crimes by elements of the ISIS terrorist group.

However, the Syrian armed forces continue conflicts in order to clear desert areas of ISIS terrorists.

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