Lebanon Prepares Emergency Plan For Potential War: Prime Minister Mikati

Sunday 12 November 2023 - 20:56

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati has stated that an emergency plan has been prepared for the next three months in case of the eruption of any war in Lebanon, given the current tensions in the region.

ISWNews Analysis Group – Najib Mikati, Lebanese Prime Minister, stated on November 12 that Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah behaves patriotically and I trust the wisdom of this faction.

We are not in favor of war and will not take any action to further inflame the war in the region, the premier said, adding that Lebanon adheres to international laws and United Nations resolutions.

He further emphasized that there are warnings and we hope that communications will lead to a ceasefire in southern Lebanon.

However, he said, what matters to me is that Lebanon remains free from war, we are constantly seeking stability.
Lebanon’s prime minister also called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and continued that we are self-restrained, and Israel must also stop its constant provocative actions in southern Lebanon.

We have prepared an emergency plan for the next three months in case of any war in Lebanon Mikati added.
According to the prime minister, there is absolutely no justification for the continuation of bloodshed in Gaza.

No one can tolerate the massacres happening in the Gaza Strip, he warned, saying that the results of the extraordinary summit of Arab and Islamic countries’ leaders, which was held in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Saturday, were much better than I expected, and I hope the decisions of this summit will not be ineffective.

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