UN Security Council Resolution On Gaza Ceasefire Finally Adopted

Thursday 16 November 2023 - 09:47

After 40 days of war on Palestine and numerous crimes committed by the Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip, the United Nations Security Council approved a temporary ceasefire resolution in the besieged area.

This resolution was proposed by Malta and was approved by a positive vote of 12 countries and the abstention of three other members of the UN Security Council to push for a humanitarian halt of the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

According to the resolution, a temporary humanitarian ceasefire must be established in Gaza and safe passages must be identified in various routes in this region.

Moroever, Palestinian resistance groups must release all captives and prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

It should be noted that the duration of the ceasefire in this resolution is not specified and can be extended by agreement of the parties to the confrontation.

It is worth mentioning that, there is no mention of the freedom of Palestinian prisoners as well as the recognition of the Palestinians’ rights.

The adoption of the UNSC resolution takes place as 40 days have passed since the start of the war in Palestine and the inhumane and unconventional actions of the Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip, and two resolutions proposed by Russia and Brazil for a ceasefire and sending humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip were faced with the opposition vote of the United States and European states.

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