Latest Updates On Yemen, 27 November 2023

Tuesday 28 November 2023 - 08:47

The Saudi-led coalition’s recent artillery attacks on the Qatabir, Munbah, and Shada districts have left two civilians martyred and 10 others injured.

As a result of the recent four-day artillery strikes by the Saudi-led coalition on the Aal Thabit neighborhood in the Qatabir district, as well as on Al-Raqo and Aal Sheikh areas in the Munbah district, and the Shada district, two civilians, including an African immigrant, were martyred, and 10 others were injured.

On November 24, several explosions occurred in the positions of the United Arab Emirate’s forces on the Perim Island, located in the Bab al-Mandab Strait. The cause of these explosions has not been determined yet, and some sources have suggested the possibility that these explosions were caused by the Ansar Allah movement’s missile attacks. Other sources have attributed the explosions to the UAE’s construction operations.

On November 25, due to a bomb blast on the route of the armed forces’ convoy of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the Wadi Omran area, one of the STC militants was killed, and several others were injured.

Adel Al-Madwari, a journalist with the STC, reported on his X (former Twitter) account that UAE-backed Tariq Saleh, the nephew of the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, has deployed his commando unit led by Fahman Al-Ghabas in the Mafraq Al-Qawah region in the Al Buraiqeh district.

5-The UK-based newspaper The Guardian claimed in a report that Saudi Arabia and the Ansar Allah movement of Yemen are in the process of signing an agreement in which the Ansar Allah will commit to cease security threats against Saudi borders in exchange for the payment of Yemeni government employees’ salaries from oil revenues, unification of exchange rates, and abandonment of the plan for dividing southern Yemen.

6- The Pentagon announced that the initial assessment regarding the Central Park oil tanker indicates that the gunmen who attacked the ship were Somalis and the incident is linked to piracy. Previously, Western and American media claimed that the attack was carried out by Ansar Allah. But after the pressure of public opinion in social media, the US corrected its claim.

Read more: US Reiterates Anti-Yemen Claims That Ansar Allah Targets American Warship With Two Ballistic Missiles!

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