43 Syrian Servicemen Martyred Or Wounded In Operations Against ISIS

Tuesday 28 November 2023 - 12:57

During the Syrian military operations against the ISIS terrorist group in eastern Syria, at least 16 Syrian soldiers were martyred and 27 others were wounded.

In the course of the Syrian military operations against the hideouts of the terrorist group in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, 4 members of the Syrian National Defense Forces were martyred and 18 others were wounded due to a mine explosion.

In continuation of these military operations, the forces of the Al-Quds Brigade clashed with ISIS terrorists in the Syrian Desert, also known as the North Arabian Desert, during which 10 members of the Al-Quds Brigade were martyred and 6 others were wounded in the exchange of fire.

Furthermore, ISIS terrorists carried out attacks on positions of Syria’s armed forces in the Syrian Desert in recent Eastern-Syriadays, resulting in the injury of several Syrian soldiers.

In the latest attack by ISIS terrorists on the positions of the Syrian army in Homs Governorate, members of this terrorist group stormed the headquarters of the National Defense Forces near the famous Palmyra Castle, known as Fakhr-al-Din al-Ma’ani Castle, during which three Syrian soldiers were wounded.

The increase in movements by ISIS terrorists during the past week prompted Syrian commanders to order the start of operations in the Syrian desert to clear some suspicious areas as well as to hunt and detain ISIS elements. These operations kicked off some days ago and continued until today. 

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  1. E says:

    The syrian regime assigned task is to fight against isis thats why its airports were destroyed by isreali forces.

    It is designed to keep syrian army out of palestine Lebanon situation.

    In other words Syrians are playing or trying to play their people and the people in the region like everywhere country scared of isreal. A d yes the Syrians should be scared of isreali army.