Israeli Regime Carries Out Air Strike On Damascus

Monday 11 December 2023 - 08:26

On December 10, the Israeli regime army fighter jets fired a number of missiles towards targets in the outskirts of the Syrian capital city Damascus, some of which were intercepted and destroyed by the Syrian army’s air defense.

According to Syrian military sources, the Israeli enemy attacked targets in the outskirts of Damascus with several missiles from the occupied Golan Heights, and the air defense shot down most of the missiles around 23:05 local time on Sunday. This attack resulted in material damage.

While the Syrian Ministry of Defense only described the damage from this attack as material, local sources reported that the targets were around the neighborhood of Sayyidah Zaynab holy shrine, 10 kilometers south of Damascus, the outskirts of International Airport, and several people were injured. Further details have not been released on this incident.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli regime’s fighter jets also targeted outskirts of Damascus with missile strikes on December 2.

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