French Army Claims Shooting Down Yemeni Drones

Monday 11 December 2023 - 21:01

The French Army’s General Staff has claimed that the French Navy frigate Languedoc intercepted and destroyed two Yemeni army drones in the skies of the Red Sea.

Sebastien Lecornu, French Minister of the Armed Forces stated that French Navy Frigate Languedoc used Aster 15 surface to air missiles to shoot down two drones off Yemen.

This news story has not been confirmed or denied by the Yemeni armed forces so far, but Member of the Political Bureau of Ansar Allah, Governor of Dhamar Governorate Mohammed al-Bukhaiti advised the French government not to stand with the Israeli regime and not to contribute to the regime’s crimes against Muslims. 

He emphasized the continuation of Yemen’s military actions against the Israeli regime and considered its goal to be stopping the war against the people of the Gaza Strip.

The French Army had previously claimed on January 15, 2023 that it had discovered and seized an Iranian arms shipment on the shores of Yemen.

It should be noted that the French Army is active in the waters of Yemen as part of its cooperation and membership in the international coalition in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, known as Task Force 153.

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