Al-Qassam Brigades: You Are Late! Mission Accomplished! (Video)

Monday 18 December 2023 - 11:35

Al-Qassam Brigades released a remix video of the discovery of resistance tunnels near the border of the Gaza Strip and the presence of Yoav Gallant and Israeli forces inside the tunnels and scenes from the first day of the battle.

In fact, by broadcasting this video, the Palestinian resistance sends the message that the operations have been carried out both from inside the tunnels and from outside the tunnels, And now you are already late!

Yesterday, after the video of the tunnels was broadcast, Israeli military sources claimed that Hamas did not use these tunnels in the October 7 attack and that this network of tunnels was probably built for other strategic operations.

The tunnel that Israel unveiled yesterday was only a small part of the tunnel network in the Gaza Strip. This tunnel is completely isolated and its length اhardly reaches 1500 meters in a straight line. Clearly, the Zionists have understood well by now how difficult it will be to actually capture the Gaza Strip…

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