Over 80 Martyred In Terrorist Attack On Martyrdom Anniversary Of Gen. Soleimani In Kerman + Video

Wednesday 3 January 2024 - 15:53

As a result of two terrorist explosions during the commemoration ceremony of martyr General Qassem Soleimani in the Iranian city of Kerman, at least 84 people were martyred and more than 280 others were injured.

Wednesday afternoon, around 3:00 pm local time, two large explosions were heard in the southeastern city of Kerman. According to official reports, the first explosion occurred in an underpass near the Jabaliyeh historical Dome and the second blast took place at the entrance gate of Qoli Beig Mosque near Imam Zaman Mosque, targeting people who were gathered at Shohada cemetery in Kerman to mark General Soleimani’s fourth martyrdom anniversary.

It should be noted that these explosions occurred outside the path of pilgrims and inspection gates.

At first, it was said that these blasts were carried out by two suicide bombers, but shortly after, it was announced that two bomb-laden bags were remotely detonated by the perpetrators of this terrorist attack.

Read more: ISIS Claims Responsibility For Kerman Terrorist Attack

According to the latest information(14:00 – Jan 4), 84 people have been martyred and 284 others have been injured as a result of the explosions so far. Given the severity of the incident, there is a possibility of an increase in the number of martyrs.

This is the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the resistance legend, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani. A commemoration, which was participated by numerous people from all over Iran, who took part enthusiastically in this ceremony, the same way they participated in previous years. Given the tense situation in the West Asia region and the events that we are witnessing these days in Palestine and at the regional level, and the assassination of senior commanders of the Islamic resistance axis such as the slaying of Iranian military advisor Martyr Seyed Razi Mousavi in Syria as well as Palestinian resistance commander Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri in Lebanon by the Israeli regime, it was predictable that we would witness similar events even in other countries.

Clearly, the criminal regime of Israel has openly and blatantly started a chain of assassinations against the commanders of the resistance axis and a chain of terrorist and security operations against civilians and important facilities. The Israeli regime is currently in its worst security situation since its establishment and feels severely threatened. Experience has shown that in such situations, assassination and destruction have always been one of the main tactics of the Israeli regime to achieve its goals. Wednesday’s terrorist operation in the Iranian city of Kerman has also been blatantly done based on the same tactic, and the footprint of the Israeli regime is clearly visible in this heinous act.

It seems that with the continuation of crimes and terrorist operations, the Israeli regime is inevitably pushing the region towards a all-inclusive and extensive conflict.

Initial footage of the explosion and the martyrs of the terrorist attack – Warning: Sensitive content

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