ISIS Attack On Al-Sukhnah Town In Syria

Monday 8 January 2024 - 17:37

Elements of the ISIS terrorist group launched an assault on Syrian army positions in the Al-Sukhnah area, located in eastern Syria’s Homs Governorate, from three axes, resulting in the martyrdom and injury of several Syrian soldiers.

On January 7, ISIS terrorists launched their attack on Al-Sukhnah, located in the Homs Governorate, from the Al-Taybah and Al-Kum axes (in north), Al-Zabiat axis (in south), and the Arak axis (in west). This led to intense clashes between the terrorists and the Syrian armed forces.

As a result of this confrontation, three Syrian soldiers were martyred, and several others were injured. Additionally, several ISIS terrorists were also killed.

It is worth mentioning that the geographic location of Al-Sukhnah, close to areas under ISIS infiltration, which are also their hideouts (southwest of Deir ez-Zor desert and east of Palmyra ancient city), has made it a frequent target of attacks by ISIS terrorists.

The analysis of raids and movements made by the ISIS group indicates an increase in their activities through the support and requests of the United States. The major aim of these ISIS attacks in the Syrian governorates such as Deir ez-Zor, Homs, etc., is to disrupt and weaken the resistance axis.

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