Latest Updates on Afghanistan in the Last Week, 30 September 2018

Tuesday 2 October 2018 - 21:24

The latest situation in Ghazni and statistics on Army’s casualties from last month.

1. Ghazni

According to the statements of Ghazni province counsil; the towns of Ajrestan, Vaghah, ZaneKhan, Gilan, Khogiani, Rashidan, Chagho and Navah are in danger of falling and towns of Andar, Giro, Qara Bagh and the center of Ghazni province are under siege of Taliban.

Right now, only three town (Hazaraa populated) Jaghuri, Malestan and Nahur have security.

Its needs mentioning that after the attack of Taliban to center of Ghazni province and conquering most of this city, the army forces entered the clashes with delay and only cleaned the center of province, and most region around the city are still under the occupation of Taliban.


2. The obvious and explicit insult of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar against Farsi speaking people of Aghanistan

Now that we are closing to the election and electoral for parliament of Afghanistan, now Gulbuddin Hekmatyar for seeking the support of Pashtun speaking people of Afghanistan, he is accusing the Farsi speakers more intensively of following a deviate culture and wrong religion.


In the eyes of the public, he and his party (islamic party) are one of the main and hidden supporters of Taliban and ISIL. With the excuse of peace, they got a prominent role in the government


3. Haji Muhammad Mohaqqiq: The Shiites are at risk in Afghanistan. Terrorists possess far more advanced weapons, but the government does not pay much attention to the military.


4. The minister of defense of Afghanistan: In the past month 500 army soldiers have died.
Also Tariq Shah Bahrami in his statements in parliament of Afghanistan added that, during this more than 700 army soldiers were injured.

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