Western Media Outlets Accuse Iran Naval Fleet Of Being Responsible For Logistics, Information Operations In Red Sea!

Monday 15 January 2024 - 12:59

According to Western media allegations, the Iranian ship Behshad is being utilized as an information-logistics vessel and monitors the passage of various ships in the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea. Alongside this ship, the Alborz frigate has been present as a flagship of the 94th naval group of the Iranian Navy in the Red Sea area since January 1. The Bushehr logistics frigate has also been stationed in the same area for over 60 days and, as it is expected to be used, it plays a multi-purpose logistical role for this naval fleet, including the provision of fuel, ammunition, food, and other supplies as well as repairing and technical services.

At present, the general cargo ship Behshad (MV BEHSHAD), the logistics frigate Bushehr (IRIS BUSHEHR – 422), and the Alborz frigate (IRIS ALBORZ – 72) belonging to the Iranian Navy are stationed in the waters of the Gulf of Aden and near the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

Western media outlets and analysts also claim that this naval fleet is behind all missile and drone operations by the Yemeni armed forces, and provides intelligence support for their operations against Israeli ships and the maritime forces of the US-led coalition (Operation Prosperity Guardian). They also alleged that before the outbreak of war in the Gaza Strip, the Iranian naval fleet was in charge of backing Iran’s arms and guiding shipments to the Ansar Allah movement in Yemen.

Such claims are made at a time when the strategic naval groups of the Iranian Army have been tasked with securing and supporting Iranian and international ships in free waters since early 2009, following repeated piracy incidents against Iranian ships by Somali pirates. The dispatch of the Alborz frigate was aimed at countering potential threats against Iranian ships following intensified deployments of the US-led coalition warships in the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea. The issue of Iran’s arms shipments to Yemen has been among the main accusations leveled by the US-Saudi coalition in recent years, which have been ruled out by Iranian and Yemeni authorities time and again. Furthermore, the process of building and assembling missile and drone systems within Yemen has been confirmed and endorsed in numerous reports by military experts.

In general, the naval fleet of the Iranian Army has established a naval base in the waters of the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea for years, and this is not a new development. The objective of Western media outlets’ propaganda campaign against Iran’s naval group is to justify the blows inflicted upon the United States and the Israeli regime by Yemeni armed forces during recent conflicts. They have directly attacked Yemeni positions and forces in three air and missile operations and have faced a broad missile and drone response along with a limited missile strike from the Ansar Allah movement. The United States’ authorities have not published any figures on their own casualties and losses, while some media outlets have reported the deaths or disappearances of two American soldiers (allegedly missing in Somali waters according to the US army) and damages by Yemeni missiles and drones inflicted upon two US and British vessels.

The naval fleet of the Iranian army in the Gulf of Aden and near the Strait of Bab al-Mandeb – click to view in full size
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